My guiding quote for this week:
“That's a wonderful journey, joining courage to go beyond known borders with humility to accept change and outcome of self-discovery” Adam Okon Entrepreneur | The Dragonfly App :)
My previous week plan
I have gone through the crisis after 5 months spent in Pioneer competition.
As all crisises it had healing potential, and I took advantage of it.
I thought trough my situation and my dream, which is starting The Dragonfly service, and I found a solution that I plan to implement from now on.
My new plan is to commit daily time on my project, instead of on-two day sprints during the week.
Current week report
✓ I recovered from mental and emotional disturbance caused by the crisis
✓ I realized that that is 100% true that crisis have healing potential. Most of changes has ignition in discomfort.
✓ I progressed with MVP coding by ca 4%
✓ I cleared socialmedia accounts from spam followers
My next week plan
I want to progress with MVP coding by strong number (aiming for 4%)
Create interesting content and post on socialmedia accounts
Have a wonderful week everybody!